Office of Student Life

College of Dentistry

Embedded Clinician

Leisha Chiles, Psy.D


If you are interested in beginning counseling the first step is to sign up for a phone screening with Dr. Chiles, or another CCS clinician and express a preference to work with the embedded psychologist (Dr. Chiles) in the College of Dentistry. You may schedule a phone screening with the main office, including with Dr. Chiles, by calling 614-292-5766. Counseling and Consultation Service offers phone screenings and also offers urgent appointments to students in crisis through the main office.

You could also connect with Dr. Chiles by signing up online for a brief consultation via Let’s Talk. Slots are available in 20 minute increments that are first come, first served. Please only select one slot per day. Learn more about Let’s Talk here. This is a great option for students who may not need traditional counseling, but who could benefit from brief, solution-focused support, or consultation about a specific problem or concern. Let’s Talk is not a substitute for counseling and does not constitute mental health treatment.

Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff are encouraged to consult with Dr. Chiles and can email her directly. For urgent consultation, call CCS directly at 614-292-5766 and request a call back from the first available clinician. Find additional resources about supporting students by visiting our faculty and staff page.