Office of Student Life

College of Optometry

Embedded Clinician


Connect with your embedded therapist by completing a phone screening and expressing a preference to work with the embedded therapist in the College of Optometry. Students can also reach out the embedded therapist to schedule a phone appointment directly or to request referral to other resources or services.

Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff are encouraged to consult with Dr. Levstek and can email him directly. For urgent consultation, call CCS directly at 614-292-5766 and request a call back from the first available clinician. Find additional resources about supporting students, visit our faculty and staff page.

Additional Resources 


The SMART Lab on campus (Stress Management and Resiliency Training) is located in the PAES building, and offers biofeedback and instruction on how to use these programs and other relaxation techniques.

Student Wellness Center

Student Life's Student Wellness Center offers Wellness Coaching for Professional Students and Nutrition Counseling.