Office of Student Life

Clinical Service Training Experience

Individual Counseling – Caseloads may include clients dealing with psychological concerns, as well as vocational and academic issues. Training in different psychotherapeutic models occurs in individual supervision and in group supervision/case conference. Psychology Interns also participate in the Practice Issues Seminar. A minimum of two hours per week are spent in individual supervision to deal with the trainee's caseload and related issues. Trainees are encouraged to seek out senior staff with varying perspectives.

Groups – Counseling and Consultation Service offers a number of therapy groups. Counseling and psychotherapy groups deal with broadly defined psychological issues and/or client populations. During orientation, trainees receive an introduction to group strategies and training specific to group facilitation at CCS. Additional training occurs in the supervision sessions spent with senior staff co-leaders. Psychology interns also participate in group supervision seminar spring semester.

Triage and Urgent – Psychology interns provide phone triage screening and urgent counseling to students seeking services at CCS. Each phone triage appointment is expected to be approximately 15-20 minutes in length, with the goals of evaluating the student's concerns and then arranging the appropriate services or crisis intervention, if necessary. Urgent Counseling appointments are in-person appointments with a focus on crisis intervention. Training in diagnostic interviewing takes place in individual supervision, group supervision/case conference and during orientation training. Trainees are required to observe and do conjoint interviewing with a Senior Staff person during the beginning of the traineeship. This opportunity continues throughout the year as needed/requested.

Crisis Intervention – Trainees will be involved in managing crisis situations in a variety of activities, including the provision of urgent counseling, managing their own caseloads and serving on one of CCS’s crisis teams.  The crisis team is comprised of senior staff, interns and fellows. Crisis teams respond to campus crisis events such as a student death, etc. Training in crisis intervention is provided during orientation, in ongoing supervision and in debriefing following involvement in crisis situations.

Career Counseling – Career Counseling focuses on strategies and techniques to assist students in learning more about their skills, interests and values and to identify career alternatives that are consistent with their individual needs. Career information, assessment techniques, decision-making and goal setting skills may be included in this area of training. Career Counseling and Support Services staff provides the majority of the content.

Outreach and Consultation – A minimum of four workshops and/or outreach programs are expected each semester for Psychology Interns. Outreach is primarily defined as presentations, workshops or seminars that are designed to reach populations not routinely served by CCS activities and/or delivered outside of the confines of CCS. Outreach primarily is requested by an academic department, university agency, student organization, or are initiated by CCS staff.  In addition, CCS offers structured in-house psychoeducational workshops. Skill building workshops have specific agendas dealing with skill attainment and may have specified number of sessions. An experiential model and an apprenticeship model (when working conjointly with a Senior Staff member or a fellow trainee) are the basis of outreach training. An introduction to Outreach is presented during orientation. Interns will pair with a staff member to liason with a campus partner. The majority of their outreach programming will be collaborating with their liason. 

Supervisory Experience – Psychology interns have the opportunity to provide clinical supervision. Supervision typically involves practicum students (first-year practicum students from Ohio State’s Counselor Education program or from regional psychology programs) in a one-on-one setting. Occasionally, co-facilitation of the group supervision of practicum students (Practicum Seminar) or of other training functions is available. Fall Semester focuses on didactic training during the Supervision of Supervision Seminar. The Interns provide direct supervision during Spring Semester. Interns meet with their practicum student for one hour per week.  Training and supervision of this experience is done in a group training session co-facilitated by Senior Staff members (Supervision of Supervision, 1-2 hours weekly).  In the event that the provision of supervision is not available, other activities designed to enhance the intern’s supervision competency will be provided.

Assessment – The Assessment Training Series (for Psychology Interns) primarily focuses on standardized assessment, with some limited attention to projective assessment.  Psychology interns are required to complete two comprehensive batteries during their internship year as well as eight "clinically-driven" assessments with ongoing therapy clients (including one personality and/or projective and career instrument).  "Clinically-driven assessments" are measures that are used in therapy with clients for varying reasons (e.g. to aid in differential diagnosis, to track symptoms over time, to clarify presenting concerns, etc).  Comprehensive batteries typically evaluate concerns related to ADHD and Learning Disorders (LD). ADHD assessments will minimally include clinical interview, WAIS-IV, TOVA, self-report measures and a symptom validity test. LD assessments will minimally include clinical interview, WAIS-IV, WJ-IV Achievement and a symptom validity test. Additional tests will be guided by the referral question(s) and clinical interview but can include personality measures and projective instruments. Psychology interns can also complete comprehensive personality assessments although such assessments are less often referred by clinical staff.  Psychology interns are required to attend assessment training seminars which are held weekly during fall semester.

Interns also receive individual supervision from an assessment supervisor, approximately 3-5 hours per comprehensive battery. Total number of assessment supervision hours will be determined by the supervisor and supervisee and will vary based on intern experience and complexity of referral question(s). Interns also participate in assessment Case Conferences during Spring semester. Find additional information about assessment on CCS on our website.

Care Team Observation - This week long observation will allow trainees to further their understanding of trends around risk and complexity in colleges student mental health through shadowing members of the Care Team at CCS. Trainees will be included in visits to students during psychiatric admission, post hospitalization, urgent and referral and linkage appointments. Participants will gain skill building in areas of advanced risk assessment, safety planning and supportive referral. 

Psychiatry Observation - As part of your training at CCS, you will spend time shadowing psychiatrists providing treatment within the center. This experience allows the trainee to be immersed in the multidisciplinary nature of the care we provide and gives time for one on one discussions of cases from a varied viewpoint.

Updated - 7-11-2024