Office of Student Life

Alcohol and Other Drugs

Substance use and Mental Health

“Substance” refers to alcohol or other drugs. Substance use can impact one’s overall health in the same way that sleep, nutrition and social connection can. While substances can be used without negative impact, it is important to distinguish between substance use and substance misuse or addiction. Moderate and responsible substance use should not be considered inherently bad, while excessive or prolonged use can lead to various individual, social, academic, professional, and medical problems. Mental health involves the brain and central nervous system which is what substances impact during use.

The Ohio State University provides multiple supports and services for students who are considering ways to manage their use of alcohol and other drugs. CCS provides individual counseling, consultation, and group therapy services for students interested in making positive changes at their own pace.


  • BASICS and CASICS - BASICS stands for Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students. CASICS stands for Cannabis Screening and Intervention for College Students. These programs are offered for all Ohio State students who may want to explore their alcohol and drug use, but the goal of the program is to reduce risky behaviors and harmful consequences of alcohol or cannabis abuse.


  • Let’s Talk – Have questions about where to start? Schedule a brief confidential consultation with a CCS counselor and ask questions or get advice about alcohol and drug use. This is also a great resource to ask about how to support your friends or loved ones.


  • Counseling – The first step to connect with a counselor is to schedule a phone screening. During this appointment we will ask about your concerns and provide you with a clinical recommendation for next steps to get started with treatment.
  • Group Counseling – CCS offers a group called “Stages” An open group for students who are looking to make changes to their substance use. These changes can be anywhere from simply trying to cut back frequency or amount all the way to total abstinence. The group will serve to provide a hybrid of psychoeducation on harm reduction practices, community resources and peer support. E-mail questions about time and availability.

Intensive Treatment

  • Harding Hospital - At times, students may benefit from a higher level of care such as Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) or Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in order to address more chronic and acute symptoms and concerns.
  • Talbot Hall - High quality, comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction recovery services in central Ohio. Physicians and staff are trained and experienced specialists in the latest clinical techniques and proven treatment methods.


  • Collegiate Recovery Community – For students who are in or seeking recovery from substance misuse, Student Life’s Student Wellness Center offers a community of peer support and can help students in navigating support resources for their recovery.  


You may be on this page seeking information about how to support someone you care about or, you may be interested in support for yourself. Substance misuse can impact both the person using and those who care about them.

  • Let’s Talk – Schedule a brief, confidential consultation with a CCS counselor and ask questions or get advice about supporting friends or loved ones and discuss ways to engage in self-care.
  • Counseling – When there is ongoing or significant stress related to a friend or family member’s substance use, therapy can help.
  • Friends, Family and Allies - A peer support resource to explore how to support friends or family who previously or currently are struggling with substance misuse.