Office of Student Life

Psychiatric Services

Increasing understanding of the mind-body connection has led to the development of effective medical treatments for a variety of mental health conditions that have a biological component. Limited psychiatric services, including evaluation, diagnosis and treatment, are provided to assist in the overall healing process. 

The Counseling and Consultation Service has one board-certified, psychiatrist onsite to provide time limited services. A small amount of psychiatric services are provided by physicians completing their psychiatry residency under the supervision of our primary psychiatrist.

What is a Psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental health disorders. A psychiatrist has completed medical school (is an M.D. or D.O.) and an additional four or more years of residency training in psychiatry.

Who is eligible for CCS Psychiatry services?

You must be an enrolled Ohio State student currently seeing one of our CCS counselors to be eligible for psychiatric services. Your therapist will help you schedule with a psychiatrist. We do not schedule initial appointments over the telephone. 

What will happen at my first appointment with the psychiatrist?

The psychiatrist will take a thorough history of the presenting problems and symptoms. This will include:

  • A review of symptoms related to the most common psychiatric diagnosis
  • A comprehensive psychiatric history including previous treatments, hospitalizations and medications
  • Medical history consisting of current medical problems and surgeries
  • A family history of psychiatric illnesses
  • Substance-use history
  • Social history regarding cultural considerations, work, school and relationships

How long will my initial evaluation take?

A comprehensive psychiatric examination includes a 60-90 minute face-to-face session with a psychiatrist. The focus of the interview is on current concerns and symptoms which are interfering with functioning and well-being.

What happens after my evaluation?

  • A psychiatric diagnosis is commonly established; psychological testing may be obtained to arrive at a more precise diagnosis.
  • A treatment plan will be established between the psychiatrist and patient that may include the use of medications and a referral to a community provider.
  • Laboratory testing, as well as other tests, may be obtained to clarify the diagnosis or to rule out medical causes.
  • A few 30 minute follow-up appointments will be scheduled initially at approximately 2-3 week intervals to monitor your symptoms and response to medication.

How often will I need to see my psychiatrist?

You will see the psychiatrist at CCS until symptoms are stable and while you are also receiving other CCS services. You will receive care with your psychiatrist until you start seeing a community provider, which may include your primary care physician. The psychiatrist will determine how often you need to be seen based on your response to medication.

How long will I need to be on my medication?

It varies and will be discussed between you and your psychiatrist.

What should I do if I have a need between appointments?

  • Call the office at 614-292-5766 during business hours and request to speak with your psychiatrist.
  • Email contact to your psychiatrist is not confidential, may not be timely, and is not recommended.

What should I do if I have a need after hours?

  • We do not provide psychiatric services after-hours or on the weekends.
  • If there are any urgent concerns that cannot wait until the center is open, call our after-hours service at 614-292-5766 and choose option 2
  • Refill requests are usually addressed within one business day.
  • There are certain medications that cannot be filled without an appointment.
  • If it is after hours, you will need to wait until the next business day.
  • It is strongly recommended that you call 3 to 4 days before you are out of your medications.

Do I have to see a psychiatrist if I see a counselor at CCS?

No, we provide psychiatric services as an option to you. A decision will be made by you, with help from a counselor.

Are the medications expensive?

Several medications are available in generic form and many are also available through the $4 programs available at many pharmacies. Discuss these concerns with your physician so he/she can be sure to select a medication that is affordable for you.

Do I need to continue with my therapist if I am taking medication?

Yes. Depending on your progress, this requirement may be modified over time.

This combination of therapy and medications has been shown to have the best success in treatment of many common psychiatric conditions. Your therapist will work collaboratively with your community provider for medication as needed.

By law, we are not allowed to disclose any health-protected information about any of our clients without a client’s written consent except if a client is an immediate threat to themselves or the community. Please talk to your student regarding whether or not you have permission to their health information before asking us about their treatment with us.