Office of Student Life

Young Adult PHP/IOP Support Team

Orientation to Young Adult PHP/IOP at Ohio State Harding Hospital

At times, students may benefit from a higher level of care such as Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) or Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in order to address more chronic and acute symptoms and concerns. 

Ohio State Wexner Medical Center’s Harding Hospital Department of Psychiatry offers programs specifically for young adult populations, ages 18-24 years old, to specifically address the unique presenting concerns of this age group and allow for peer support and interaction in a group format.

Student Life’s Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS) is pleased to partner with Ohio State Harding Hospital to offer an entry point into these programs for students at Ohio State. This is an appointment considered “orientation” to the Young Adult PHP/IOP offered at Harding Hospital. Orientation is an opportunity for referred students to receive psychoeducation on the structure and benefits of the programs and is co-lead by a care manager at CCS and Harding Hospital clinician. Students can schedule a no-charge assessment to these programs at the time of the orientation.

Any student or individual interested in self referring to the above programs can do so by calling 614-293-9560 to reach the Harding Hospital PHP/IOP office directly. 

Additionally, students are offered alternative options for PHP/IOP levels of care should there be scheduling or other barriers.

Young Adult PHP/IOP Support Team

CCS and the following offices meet regularly to consult and work to support students who would benefit from this level of care for treatment:

This team works together to problem solve academic, financial or other barriers to accessing treatment.