Office of Student Life

Referring a Student

If you are seeking ways to help refer your student to Counseling and Consulation Service, first, convey to the student your concern and express that they could benefit from further support. Then, encourage the student to schedule a phone screening. If the situation is urgent, ask the student to call directly at 614-292-5766.

It is appropriate to offer for the student to schedule a phone screening or to call CCS while they are with you. If the student feels comfortable doing this, it can further convey care and support in the moment. You can also find a complete list of mental health support options to share with your student.

How much can CCS tell me about the student I referred?

Faculty and staff are often concerned about students after a referral is made. This is an understandable and caring reaction. However, CCS adheres to legal and professional confidentiality parameters.

We can:

  • Answer general questions regarding referral process.
  • Consult regarding concerns and make recommendations on how to approach a situation.
  • Take information from you regarding a student or group of students.

We cannot:

  • Confirm that a student has contacted CCS
  • Discuss any specifics regarding a student or treatment recommendations.

Can I schedule for the student?

The student must contact our office under their own free will. Faculty, staff, families, friends or loved ones are not able to schedule on the behalf of students. You may contact us while the student is present, however we will need to speak directly to the student. 

What should I do after referring a student?

  1. Follow up. It can be helpful to arrange a time to speak with the student again after making a referral. This helps to communicate your concern and interest.

  2. Maintain. Continue to provide clear and consistent boundaries and expectation with the student in your staff or faculty role.

Guiding Students to Wellness 

We recommend this workshop facilitated by Student Life’s Student Wellness Center related to supporting students while they seek supportive resources for positive Mental Health and Well-being.

Am I mandated to report Mental Health concerns?

As a faculty or staff member at Ohio State, you are not mandated to report mental health concerns. However, should you observe a student expressing general concerns related to mental health and well-being the most appropriate thing to do is acknowledge the student, express authentic concern, and refer students to the wide array of resources offered at Ohio State. is a great place to start.

What if the situation is urgent?

Please call our office at 614-292-5766 and our counselors will assess the situation and help make that determination. Whenever possible, we will ask to speak directly to the student if they are with you at the time of the call.

If you believe you or another person is in danger, call 911. If you are calling from a university number you will reach Ohio State Department of Public Safety. If you are calling from your personal phone, you will reach the Columbus Police Department. The direct line for University Police is 614-292-2121.

Learn more about ways help a distressed student, and seek immediate assistance if you are dealing with a student in crisis.