Office of Student Life

Family and Loved Ones

At times, you may worry about your student and want to know how to help them. While we are not able to share information outwardly, we are able to consult and support you with information and clarification about mental health resources at Ohio State, how to talk with your student and how to refer them to resources available. Although you are not able to schedule an appointment for your student, you are in a great place to encourage your student to reach out.

Family and Parent Workshop

“Supporting your Buckeye’s Plan for Mental Health and Well-being”

A drop-in opportunity for parents and families of Ohio State students to learn more about university and Central Ohio resources for Mental Health and Well-being available across a wide variety of needs and concerns. Participants will learn how to best support their student in accessing available services. Please note this is not a space to discuss confidential concerns as there will be multiple participants present. However, we will provide information on how to contact Ohio State to consult regarding individual concerns.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Register for Thursday, April 17th, 2025 04:30 PM (EST) 

Future dates TBA

Due to the potentially sensitive nature of information shared in the workshop, we do not record.  Please consider registering for a future offering.

We recommend you let your student know about these excellent resources:

  • Let’s Talk: Confidential, problem solving conversations with a Mental Health Professional.
  • Phone Screening with CCS: Brief assessment and consultation to discuss ongoing treatment options on and off campus.
  • Comprehensive list of Resources: Ohio State’s multimodal approach to providing support for mild, moderate and severe concerns.

Further Parent and Family Resources:

If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to call Student Life's Counseling and Consultation Service and request a call back from a counselor at 614-292-5766.

By law, we are not allowed to disclose any health-protected information about any of our clients without a client’s written consent except if a client is an immediate threat to themselves or the community. Please talk to your student regarding whether you have permission to their health information before asking us about their treatment with us.