Office of Student Life

Suicide Prevention Program

The Suicide Prevention Program works to engage a campus community of nearly 100,000 students, staff and faculty through education, outreach and advocacy. We are committed to creating a systematic, inclusive, diverse, and coordinated effort where suicide prevention is seen as a shared campus responsibility. Ultimately we envision a campus where everyone supports mental health help seeking; students know how - and are willing - to access the available resources; and every student, staff, and faculty member feels comfortable reaching out to others who be in distress.

Our comprehensive suicide prevention model is focused on education, advocacy, and outreach, and utilizes a partnership model to work together to address different aspects of the problem. Ten strategies form and guide our approach: advocacy, infrastructure/staffing, education, opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, mental health screening, leadership (local, state, and national), student leadership development, policy, and marketing. Each strategy is a broad goal that can be advanced through an array of possible activities (e.g., programs, policies, practices, services), all of which aim to spread the messaging that suicide is preventable and that anyone can learn how to help someone who is at risk for suicide. 

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Learn more about the Suicide Prevention Program