Embedded Counselors have familiarity with the culture of a college or area.
Students have the ability to connect and consult directly.
Tailored services for diverse student groups and increased access for marginalized populations.
Embedded therapists are advocates for the students in their area.
Embedded therapists have awareness of how current events affect students in their embedded site.
Proximity and availability fitting with student schedules.
Builds trust and reduces stigma among students enhancing a Culture of Care.
Benefits to Campus Partners
Embedded therapists are a visible presence and a direct liaison for consultation with faculty and staff.
Increases access, decreases stigma, and affirms a commitment to mental health and well-being.
Embedded therapists assess the needs of students and develop tailored programming in response.
Embedded therapists provide feedback to campus partners based on emerging needs of students.
Embedded therapists reinforce mental health literacy within the embedded site and offer education around prevention and accessing mental health resources.
Embedded therapists lend their expertise to teams they are a part of within their embedded site.
Support from Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS)
The embedded therapist has direct access to internal services at CCS (e.g. Psychiatry, Care Management, Group Therapy).
Direct consultation with CCS Central staff who have cultural or clinical specialties.
The embedded therapist has access to a network of community referral options to connect students with the appropriate level of treatment to meet their needs.
In the event an embedded therapist is unavailable, CCS Central staff provides coverage.
In the event of a crisis, the embedded therapist has support from CCS Central staff (i.e. immediate support, crisis outreach team, multiple therapists for urgent appointments).
Full access to centrally funded scheduling and documentation systems.
Ongoing mentorship and professional development opportunities from a large experienced staff.