Office of Student Life

Interpersonal Groups

Good Grief

Fridays, 1:00 - 2:30 PM

This is a group for undergraduate and graduate students who have experienced a loss of a loved one either recently or the loss of the loved one still profoundly affects you.  Members of this group can expect a supportive environment at a difficult time in their life.  We will be learning how to understand grief and loss, discussion on its impact, how to care for oneself, how to cope by assessing your own personal needs and how to grieve in community with others. This will be presented in a semi-structured format and will be utilizing various methods to express, process and begin the healing journey moment by moment. For more information please schedule a Phone Screening or reach out to  Amber Jackson or Zaneta Street.   

Graduate Student Group I, II, & III

Group I: Mondays, 2:00 - 3:30 PM

Group II: Fridays, 2:30 - 4:00, Virtual

Group III: Wednesdays, 2:30 - 4:00 PM

The Graduate Student groups meet to discuss issues that affect graduate students' emotional well-being. The focus of the group is to promote a wellness perspective in all areas of graduate life. Areas of focus include relationships, academics, family, social and personal conflicts and strengths. The goal of the group is to optimize personal and academic success by promoting self-awareness and connection to others. For more information please schedule a Phone Screening, or reach out to Amy Young or Kelley Meury for Graduate Student Group I, or reach out to Leisha Chiles for Graduate Student Group II, or reach out to Erin Buttars or Jazmin Lara for Graduate Student Group III.

Wooster Graduate Student Group

Thursdays, 3:00 - 4:30 PM

The Wooster Graduate Student Support Group is a safe and confidential space to share your experiences and concerns related to being a Wooster campus graduate student. This group meets to discuss issues that affect graduate students' emotional well-being. The focus of the group is to promote a wellness perspective in all areas of graduate life. Areas of focus include navigating difficult conversations, managing perfectionism, imposter syndrome, challenging advisor dynamics, family, social and personal conflicts and strengths. The goal of the group is to optimize personal and academic success by promoting a work-life balance and increasing connection to others. For more information please schedule a Phone Screening or reach out to embedded psychologist, Dr. Schaad.