Office of Student Life

Psychoeducational and Skills Groups

Anxiety Management Group (AMG)

Anxiety Management Group (AMG) helps students develop the skills necessary to stop negative or unhelpful thoughts and start thinking and acting in more positive ways. The group offers a safe and supportive environment for students to make connections and learn how to manage their anxiety in a healthier way. AMG is a 7-week CBT-informed group. For more information, please schedule a Phone Screening or reach out to Beverly Owusu.

Eating and Body Image Concerns

This is an inclusive space intended for those struggling in their relationship with food, movement, and/or their bodies.  It will include a combination of semi-structured skills-based psychoeducation, connecting with others with similar experiences, increasing awareness of the origins and nature of these concerns, and challenging societal expectations of appearance and diet culture.  The group is confidential, meets weekly throughout the semester, and uses a Health At Every Size and anti-diet framework. Because eating and body image concerns can impact individuals regardless of their identities, this group welcomes members of any gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, body size/shape, and background.  For more information please schedule a Phone Screening or reach out to Kristen Swope.

Facing Our Fears

Facing Our Fears is a group for students struggling with patterns of obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviors, and certain phobias. This is a semi-structured group designed to help members develop skills and set individual goals for exposure to fears and response prevention of compulsive behaviors. The group will also offer an opportunity for members to connect about their struggles and support one another through healing.  For more information please schedule a Phone Screening or reach out to Courtney Arbogast.

Roll For Insight

This group is open to undergraduate or graduate students who are interested in building interpersonal skills and exploring identity through therapeutic tabletop role-playing quests with elements similar to D&D. No previous experience with TTRPG’s is needed, as this will be a simplified format that focuses more on problem-solving and social interaction rather than combat or complex puzzles. Members will create characters and practice playing roles that fit various archetypes which describe how they engage with each other and the world around them. In this supportive environment, they will be challenged to try out archetypes that don’t necessarily fit their typical ways of interacting, or that lean further into their existing strengths. (If they are up to it, they can even complete challenges related to their archetypes in the real world between sessions!) In session, players will work as a team to complete a variety of quests from week to week. Though storylines and settings will vary, success in these quests will be based on cooperation, communication, creativity, empathy, fortitude, and of course, the luck of the dice! For more information please schedule a Phone Screening or reach out to Christina Szuch.

Surviving to Thriving

This gender-inclusive group is for students that have experienced any form of sexual violence—which includes but is not limited to sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, non-consensual sexual contact, childhood abuse and stalking. This group will offer a semi-structured format where group members will receive and offer support as well as address common concerns related to experiences of sexual violence. Group sessions will have a general structure and cover a range of topics such as trauma-informed coping skills, managing nightmares and flashbacks, addressing common stuck points in the healing process, relationships and restoring intimacy. For more information please schedule a Phone Screening or reach out to Kaylee Enscoe.

Understanding Self and Others

This student group provides a safe and supportive environment that will allow you to practice new ways of relating to others, gain a better understanding of yourself, share personal experiences, express fears or worries and receive support and feedback.  For more information please schedule a Phone Screening or reach out to Stephanie Grissett or  Ramona Stephenson for USO I, or reach out to Michaela Holloway or Candace McConaha for USO II.