Office of Student Life


College is a difficult time for all students and as an athlete you are subject to the increased stress associated with sport participation. Not only do you experience pressure to perform athletically, but you are also expected to perform well academically, while having less time to allocate to your studies because of practice, competition and travel. Having an objective person outside of your athletic world to talk to in a confidential environment can be very helpful to deal with the variety of demands placed on student athletes.

What services does CCS offer athletes?

All Ohio State students (athletes and non-athletes) are offered individual, couples and group counseling, as well as psychiatric services. Athletes are also welcome to attend our drop-in workshops, which help students better regulate attention and deal effectively with the internal and external distractions while performing.

How can individual counseling help an athlete?

Individual counseling can help you manage stress so you can make the most of your collegiate athletic experience. Counseling provides the opportunity to talk to someone other than your teammates about a variety of issues that might be preventing you from achieving your academic or athletic potential. All counseling sessions are confidential. Information will not be revealed to teammates, coaches, athletic trainers, parents or professors without written permission from the athlete.

What are common problems student athletes present with?

Some of the problems student athletes are likely to present with are performance-related anxiety, anger issues, depression, disordered eating, sexual assault, substance abuse, academic concerns and interpersonal conflicts with teammates or coaches. CCS also sees athletes who are dealing with an injury or who need assistance with career planning. 

Ohio State Resources