Office of Student Life

Fellowship Components

Direct Clinical Service

Approximately 65% of fellowship time is focused on the provision of direct clinical service.  This translates to approximately 26 direct service hours with 14 hours for other activities such as clinical writing, case management, staff meetings and committee involvement.

Individual and Relationship Therapy – Opportunities are afforded to work with diverse undergraduate and graduate/professional clients. Clients are diverse both in clinical presentation and identities.  CCS provides primarily brief, time-limited counseling.

Triage/Urgent Counseling – Typically a client’s first point of access to services at CCS is through a telephone triage appointment. For urgent situations, clients may be seen in person in a timely manner for an urgent appointment or for a diagnostic evaluation appointment (CCS’s label for initial counseling appointments). Clinical Fellows provide 2.0 hours of triage/urgent coverage each week.

Group Therapy – CCS offers an average of 20-30 groups each semester, which have both topical and general emphases. Priority for group therapy is given to counseling interns, psychology interns, and social work interns.  Clinical Fellows can also lead or co-lead a group.

Career Counseling – Some students initially present at CCS with career concerns. Often career themes are interwoven throughout psychotherapy work. CCS staff work closely with the adjunctive office of Career Counseling and Support Services to assist students with career concerns and needs.

Crisis Intervention – Clinical Fellows serve on an agency crisis team, which responds to campus mental health emergencies. Each team typically will be involved in response once or twice during an academic year.

Individual Supervision – Weekly two-hour supervision with a licensed senior staff member focuses on clinical case management, therapy dynamics, and professional/personal development issues. Clinical Fellows provide input each term about supervisor preferences.

Training (Indirect clinical service)


Group Supervision/Case Conference – Weekly two hour forum for the discussion of issues surrounding the provision of clinical care in the university setting. Group Supervision/Case Conference presentations focus on a multicultural clinical analysis of cases, with attention to conceptualization, diagnosis, case management, ethical considerations, and intervention strategies.  Group Supervision/Case conference is facilitated by senior staff clinicians.

Professional Development Programs – CCS offers 3-6 professional development programs each year for agency staff. Often these are clinically focused presentations by practitioners and researchers familiar with the mental health needs of university populations.

Orientation Training – This is an intensive training period of three – four weeks duration prior to the start of fall semester. Clinical Fellows are oriented to the university and CCS while becoming acquainted with one another.  Agency policies and practices are addressed, as well as topical content pertinent to service delivery and client care.


Training Seminars – Optional seminars focusing on topics pertaining to clinical issues, multicultural issues, research, and assessment are available to Fellows during the Summer semester.

Committee Work – All Clinical Fellows have the option to select an agency committee or task group on which to serve. Committees include:  Clinical Services, Training, Outreach, Research and Stigma Reduction, Eating Concerns Consultation Team/Consult Group.  This affiliation assists Clinical Fellows in connecting with staff across the agency. Disposition committee is required for one semester.

Agency Administration (Indirect Clinical Service)


Staff Meetings – All Clinical Fellows participate in weekly full staff meetings. In addition, regular meetings with the coordinator of the Fellowship Program are held to discuss training and professional development issues on a weekly basis.

Updated - 6-29-2021