Office of Student Life


Is counseling right for me?

Certainly not all LGBTQ individuals are in need of counseling or mental health services. For increasing numbers of LGBTQ people it seems that more often we are welcomed with open arms by family, friends and organizations. However, this is unfortunately not the case for everyone. Additionally, your identity as a LGBTQ person may be unrelated to the reasons you are seeking support. However, it is important to know that you will be welcomed at CCS. LGBTQ students come to CCS for a variety of reasons:

  • Students who are questioning may wish to gain clarity about their sexual orientation or gender identity by talking to a counselor about their feelings, concerns, values or beliefs. Counselors will not push or force you to disclose or reveal any part of your sexuality or gender identity that you do not wish to share with others.
  • Students who were out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender to their friends or classmates in high school may face new coming out concerns as they make decisions about disclosing their identity to a new set of classmates, roommates and professors in college.
  • Other students may be newly coming out or may be considering coming out to their families for the first time. Counselors can help students develop healthy attitudes toward themselves as LGBTQ individuals, to prepare for coming out to others and to provide support during the process of coming out.
  • Transgender students may seek counseling to cope with issues around gender transition, to explore or clarify their gender identity or to cope with gender-related bias.
  • LGBTQ students may seek counseling to cope more effectively with discrimination in the social environment and the negative internal feelings that can result (i.e., internalized homophobia, biphobia or transphobia).
  • LGBTQ students seek counseling for concerns that are unrelated to their sexual orientation or gender identity. LGBTQ students may seek counseling to address family of origin issues, romantic relationship concerns, depression, anxiety, trauma, substance abuse, eating disorders and other mental health concerns. 

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